We've Got WORM Fan Art Contest #2: Jessica Yamada Saves The World
Hey everyone!
We're excited to officially announce our second quarterly Worm fan art contest! This contest, generously funded by our patrons, is a great opportunity for all artistic Worm lovers to flex their muscles and win some awesome prizes!
The Rules:
1) The theme of this contest, chosen by YOU, is 'Jessica Yamada Saves The World.' You're free to make any kind of Worm-related art, in any shape size or form, as long as it find some way to include this element. Feel free to interpret it however you wish. Get creative and have fun!
2) The contest begins today and submissions will be accepted until November 22 at 11:59 PM.
3) Please submit your artwork to gotwormpod@gmail.com and include "Fan Art Contest #2" in your subject header.
4) Only one submission per artist!
5) Please submit your artwork in high resolution.
The Contest:
Once all submissions are received, we will send screenshots of each image as well as a user poll out to all Daly Planet Films Patrons, who get an opportunity to vote on their favorite artwork. The one with the most votes, wins. The voting will be patron only, so if you'd like to participate in selecting the winner, consider donating a dollar a month to support We've Got Worm and all the Daly Planet Podcasts!
The Prize:
The winner of the contest will receive a $50 cash prize as well as a Wildbow autographed print of their original artwork! We'll handle all the printing and shipping costs! Dimensions of the print will be based on the dimensions/resolution of the submitted artwork.
Get creating! We can't wait to see what you guys come up with!