Pale in Comparison - Lie Back and Think of the Universe (Judgment 16.10 & 16.11)

Pale in Comparison - Lie Back and Think of the Universe (Judgment 16.10 & 16.11)


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Jenny (she/her) and Malia (she/they) discuss Judgment 16.10 & 16.11. Blake fights a demon and becomes a Red Bull spokesperson. Malia rants about how much she hates the Sword of Truth. Jenny warns about the dangers of accepting random friend requests.

Content Warning: The Sword of Truth discussion contains references to sexual violence and violence toward infants. It starts around 00:03:30 and ends around 00:27:30

This week’s Discussion Question: Compare (and contrast?) Pact and Pale.

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This episode was released when Pale was up to e.2.