Twelve Days of Doofmas: Here's Why ARTHUR CHRISTMAS is a Must Watch
This article is part of The Twelve Days of Doofmas, a daily series of articles on our favorite Christmas films that was released as Bonus Content leading up to Christmas Eve 2019.
Arthur Christmas is a movie that came out in 2011 to not much fanfare. Despite its small, let’s be real, nonexistent following, it is a Christmas classic that has been on my list of “must watch” during the holiday season since I saw it. So, in order to win more people over to this movie I have compiled a list of the 25 reasons everyone should give Arthur Christmas a chance.
1. Christmas tree beard - Arthur Christmas tells the story of how the mantle of Santa has been passed down through the generations. At the start of the movie, there are four men in the "Santa" family: The retired Grandsanta, his son the current Santa, and his two sons Arthur and Steve. Steve is the eldest and thus is set to inherit the Santa title. Accordingly, Steve is trimmed from head to toe to embody the holiday. This includes a goatee cut like a Christmas tree. It is one of many wonderful small details in this movie. I tried to talk Scott into doing this too, but he said no.
2. Mission elves - In Arthur Christmas, the elves don't just make toys. They help explain how Santa is able to get to the houses of all the children around the world. These elves do NOT mess around. Think Mission: Impossible only times 1,000 (but just as short). It is amazing.
3. Bill Nighy as Grandsanta - This entire cast is stacked (James McAvoy, Jim Broadbent, Hugh Laurie, Imelda Staunton, Joan Cusak, Laura Linney) but Bill Nighy is by far the best. His voice was made for the role of Grandsanta. Think his character from Love, Actually only older and slightly crazier. Grandsanta is struggling with the fact that he is no longer the “it” man of the holiday season, and Nighhy is just perfect in the role. Brilliant.
4. Grandsanta’s teeth - To be honest, Grandsanta appears a lot on this list. But that's just because he really is that great. Then again, I just really love old people so maybe this type of humor really works well on me in particular. Anyway, his teeth keep falling out and you get to hear Bill Nighy’s voice try to gum out about the “good old days” of being Santa. You got me laughing.
5. Arthur’s Christmas sweater - So the movie’s main character is Arthur (hence the title) and he is just about as goofy as Grandsanta. Only, Arthur is incredibly clumsy and more into the holiday than anyone in the family. You know the type, right? The kind of person who has a different pair of holiday earrings and shirts to wear each day from Thanksgiving to Christmas with matching socks, shoes, tights...the whole enchilada. That’s Arthur. His Christmas sweater is the epitome of this kind of holiday spirit. I love it.
6. Sleigh spaceship - Ever wonder the logistics behind how it is actually possible for Santa to keep up with the times and visit every child in one night? You have to see this Spacesleigh.
7. Arthur’s laugh - Everybody has that one friend whose laugh you cannot imitate, but is funny because it is either cute or obnoxious? You will have to listen to Arthur’s to decide for yourself which category he falls into.
8. Silent Night backward - Did you know that it is possible to sing the song “Silent Night” backward without any pause or hesitation? (of course, the actor practiced before but we won’t get into that). Arthur can do just that.
9. Bryony the elf - Let’s just say I have a hard time picking one favorite character and it is a toss-up between Bryony and Grandsanta. Bryony is the edgy elf who works in the wrapping division and is determined to help save Christmas. Wrapping is very important to her. More on this later.
10. A child’s been missed! - Technology is not foolproof, even for Santa. There has to be a conflict to keep the movie going and the thought that a child has been missed on Christmas is the perfect solution. How can Santa forget only ONE child on Christmas?!?
11. Steve’s Santa suit - As discussed previously, Steve, the rightful heir to the Santa title is very stylish with his holiday facial hair. But that's not enough for our Steve. No, he's gotta take it up another notch with a Versace Santa suit. You'll have to watch the movie to find out if that makes him a good Santa or not. (Spoiler: Yes)
12. “They used to say it was impossible to teach women to read.” - Great line from Grandsanta to help convince Arthur that what was thought was once impossible, is possible. Not the best example of woke politics, Grandsanta, but hey... I like him.
13. Eve the original sleigh - While we see how Santa is keeping up with the future, sometimes the classic is what must be used to help save the day. The original Santa sleigh with all of its bells and whistles is a fun way to see how things change through time, even for Santa.
14. “You can wrap anything with just three pieces of tape” - Bryony’s life motto. She says this so much that I actually believe that I can wrap gifts with just three pieces of tape. I’ve tried. It doesn’t look like it does in the movies. Still better than Scott's though.
15. Old reindeer - Grandsanta’s constant companion through retirement is one of his old reindeer. Complete with droopy tongue and anti-scratch cone, he's basically just like an old doggy. Sadly, this good boy never gets named. Is he Dasher or Dancer or Prancer or Vixen? Comet or Cupid, Donner or Blitzen? Rudolph!? We'll never know.
16. Hoho machine - Elves really have it going on. They might not have cell phones, but they have Smart Devices that help save the spirit of Christmas. They call these things Hoho machines. (Fun fact: All you need to do to turn your cell phone into a Hoho machine is download Tinder).
17. Arthur’s Christmas slippers - Basically, Arthur’s wardrobe is on point this whole movie. His Christmas slippers are shaped light reindeer with blinking light eyes and musical tunes have the magical power to tame wild animals.
18. Expert wrapping skills - Bryony told us that all we need is three pieces of tape and she can wrap anything, and the girl was not kidding. In this movie, expert field wrapping skills help save the day and give me a purpose for improving my technique. Sharp corners. Minimal Adhesive. Thanks for the life advice, Bryony!
19. There’s always time for a bow - Bryony doesn’t want you to just wrap the present, it has to look fancy at the end too. According to her, there is always time for a bow. I get lazy sometimes, oh well.
20. Who’s the one who doesn’t matter? - In Arthur Christmas, both Santa and Steve seem pretty happy with a system that is virtually error-proof, even after finding out it missed a kid. When Santa's elves find out this news they do not react well. They want to know who is the one kid who apparently isn’t worth anything. Way to go Santa, maybe you aren’t such a jolly, good guy after all. See, this movie has layers!
21. Bryony and Grandsanta worry Arthur - Turns out that Arthur's one big strength in Arthur Christmas is the power of worrying. So Arthur must worry his way into saving the day. Have you ever seen two people intentionally try to worry someone into heroics ...and it works? I hope not, 'cause that's weird as heck. That's Arthur Christmas for you.
22. North Pole meltdown - A Christmas crisis pulls all four of the Santas away from the North pole, leaving the elves to their own devices. They have no idea what to do and immediately send the North Pole into both the figurative and literal meltdown. Uh oh!
23. Aliens - Over the course of the movie Arthur and Grandsanta fly all over the world in their sleigh. The population of the world reacts very normally to this. And by that I mean the world governments panic and scramble jets in an attempt to blow up Santa. Realism!
24. Old reindeer saves the day - No, it’s not a huge spoiler but the old reindeer still has some game and he shows everyone else that no matter your age you are still useful. It's like a theme or something.
25. Four Santas - Grandsanta wanted to be Santa again. Santa doesn’t want to give up his title yet. Steve wants to be Santa because he "deserves" it. Arthur just wants all the kids to be happy. In the end, they all help save Christmas. Doesn't that just warm your heart?
Hopefully, you are convinced, but if not, hey just humor me and go watch Arthur Christmas. You won’t regret it, and if you do...shame on you, you are getting coal for Christmas.
-Yours truly (Elyse)