Do the King Thing Writing Prompt Podcast#1 - Results!

Do the King Thing Writing Prompt Podcast#1 - Results!


At long last we're ready to talk about the winners of our first Kingslingers Stephen King writing prompt podcast. To discuss the winning stories, we thought it would be fun to meet up with our friends from Do The Write Thing. Matt and Scott are joined by Alexandra and Jarvis to read the top 3 winning stories and briefly discuss them. Check out the audio to hear these incredible stories

Want to read the winners? Check them out below:

Winner: Talullah's Cab Ride by Jody H

Second Place: Faraway and Faraday by Matt N

Third Place: The Parling Lot by Dylan T

Congatulations to Jody, Matt, and Dylan for some wonderful and very King-y stories! Hope you enjoy your prizes.

While the nature of contests is that that we need a winner, I wanted to give a special shout out to the 36(!) other writers who submitted entries to this contest. Your work was so much fun to read and I think you so much for participating. We hope to see you all again in the next contest.

And a very grateful thanks to our patrons who read these stories and voted on them!

You can check out all the submissions below:

1. Cernunnos by Matt E

2. Of Tales and Trees by Calinero985

3. The Enthusiast by Jared G

4. Julie's Night by Sean F

5. Void by Brandon S

6. The River by M Smith

7. Endgame by Eric L

8. The Clearing at the end of the path by Dave H

9. A Yard Knocks Life by Jake B

10. Castle and Sand by Tim F

11. Dirt by Adam K

12. In The Blood by Rob C

13. The Unwellness of Henry Elms by Jessie M

14. Wishbone by Nicholas Jon B

15. Yardwork by Kevin M

16. Why by Christopher L

17. Sticking by Logan S

18. The Big Top Comes to Church Point by John M

19. Tallulah's Cab Ride by Jody H

20. The Man by Andrew G

21. The Parking Lot by Dylan T

22. What's Mine is Yours by Belle M

23. Faraway and Faraday by Matt N

24. The Gift by Sasha M

25. The Last Man by Jordan M

26. Green Eyes by Tanika J

27. Brother Ford by Daniel T

28. Death, Chicken, Heart by Yehuda Y

29. The Knotty Elm by Joe M

30. The Reach by Elizabeth H

31. Copper Trees by Clayton K

32. Cruel Kindling by M Dougherty

33. Covenant by Liz P

34. The Boy in the Basement by Michael T

35. Divisible by 19 by Steve L 

36. The 7 Train  by Mickayla C

37. The Helper by Levi T

38. Dead Man's Hand by Brian K

39. Dr. Celia Diamos' Magic Elixir by Corey J