Flanagan's Wake #1: ABSENTIA

Flanagan's Wake #1: ABSENTIA


It's finally here! We're ready to kick off the newest Doof! Media Podcast Flanagan's Wake with Mike Flanagan's first feature-length film: 2011's Absentia!

We chat about the skill on display in this low-budget horror film, Flanagan's themes showing themselves early, the beauty of the light and sound work, and much more!

Discussion Question: Without spoiling any future episodes, why do you enjoy Mike Flanagan's work?

This show will be posting our podcast to YouTube in video format so subscribe if you want to see our beautiful faces: https://www.youtube.com/@DoofMedia

Check out the show schedule: https://tinyurl.com/244c4ejm

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Message us at flanaganswakepod@gmail.com

Original music created by Matt Freeman