Fan Art Contest #13 "Redemption" - Results

Fan Art Contest #13 "Redemption" - Results


The votes have all been counted and it is now time to announce the winner of the 13th Bowalition fan art contest!

This contest's theme was "Redemption"! We had a nice split of both Parahumans and Otherverse submissions. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted and to all of our patrons who voted. And please congratulate all of the artists for their wonderful work!


"Someplace That Snows" by wraithly

(Long/Full Version) (Side-by-Side Version)


"Defiance" by Naevi


"Theo" by Pepper

"Redeemeth He" by Kippyster

Congratulations again to wraithly and Naevi for their amazing work. We will be reaching out to you soon via email to get your prize over to you.

A special thanks to everyone else who has submitted artwork to these contests, both this quarter and over the years!

Finally, an extra special thanks to all of our Patrons who make this entire thing possible and for voting for the winners! I know we couldn't have picked it ourselves! See you next time!