June Book Club Selection - THE DIAMOND AGE by Neal Stephenson
Two months ago, our vote ended in a tie between last month's book The Republic of Thieves and Neal Stephenson's Diamond Age. We decided that a tie means both win, so this month we're taking a look at The Diamond Age.
Here’s the summary:
Decades into our future, a brilliant nanotechnologist named John Percival Hackworth has just broken the rigorous moral code of his tribe, the powerful Neo-Victorians. He's made an illicit copy of a state-of-the-art interactive device called a young lady's illustrated primer, designed to raise a girl capable of thinking for herself. Unfortunately, for Hackworth, he loses his smuggled copy to a gang of street urchins in a mugging. One of the young thugs presents the primer to his little sister, Nell and suddenly her life - and perhaps the whole future of humanity - is about to be decoded and reprogrammed..
The live-streamed discussion of The Diamond Age will occur on Friday, June 26th at 9:30 PM Central Time over on our YouTube page. Get the book and get reading! If you’re going to purchase a physical copy through Amazon, we would appreciate it if you do so through our Amazon Affiliate link. The book will cost exactly the same to you, but it will help support Doof! Media.