Costume Contest #2 - Results
The votes have been cast and tallied and it's time to announce the winners of this year's 2nd annual We've Got Ward/Worm fan art contest. Without further ado...
WINNER - Victoria (Antares) performed by Sarah D.
The detail here is remarkable and that damn egg pic is what pushed this one over the top.
Runner-Up: Number Fam (Number Man, Citrine & Number Boys) performed by Richard M. & Family
We fully support roping your kids into dressing up like Number Children
Honorable Mentions
Bonesaw performed by Ryan M.'s Girlfriend
Contessa & Number Man performed by Toacki and Nijawi
Cradle performed by Honesty Z.
Furcate performed by Brady D, Brady D, and Brady D
Grue performed by Alex W.
Precipice performed by Nathan T.
Rachel performed by Sen V.
We were so blown away and thrilled by everyone's creativity. Thank you so much for participating in this contest everyone. Congrats again to the winners.