Fan Art Contest #5 - Results!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! The voting is over and the results are in for our 5th quarterly fan art contest. As a reminder, the theme for this quarter was "Happy Holidays from Earth Gimel." We asked our amazing artists to make a holiday card inspired work of art and boy they delivered. The quality on display here was reflected in the votes. Never has one of our fan art contests been this close! Of course, in the end, there has to be a winner. And that winner is...
WINNER: "Eidoloneezer Scrooge and the True Meaning of Inadvertently Killing Millions of People" by JayManiac
A hilarious and amazing twist on A Christmas Carol that our patrons couldn't get enough of. Congrats JayManiac!
Runner-Up: "Merry Christmas from Earth (?)" by FIPIndustries
The vote on this one was so close and it looked like we were going to have a tie right up until the 11th hour. Still, amazing work, FIPIndustries!
Honorable Mentions
"Holiday Cheers from Earth Gimel" by Torchide
"Holiday Cards for Ciara" by Zacatigy
"Seasons Greetings from Earth Aleph" by Muga Sofer
"Merry Christmas from Shamrock & Gregor" by NumberWangMan
"Goddess Claus and her 7 Breakthrough-deer" by SininenCinnamon
Congratulations to JayManiac and FIPIndustries on your well earned wins! We'll be reaching out to the two of you via email shortly to arrange for delivery of your prizes!
Once again, thank you everyone who submitted artwork for this contest. We truly love putting these on and are so happy to see all of your work. Until next quarter: Read Ward!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!!!