Doof Game Club: Control

Doof Game Club: Control

As a new month begins, the club gathers for the Game Over stream! Let’s all discuss the mysteries of Remedy Entertainment’s Control! Did you find the story compelling? How was the gameplay!? Remember that if you attend these live, you can participate in...
Doof Game Club: Into the Breach

Doof Game Club: Into the Breach

As a new month begins, the club gathers for the Game Over stream! Let’s all discuss how we found Into the Breach! Did the unique hybridisation of strategy and puzzle work for you? Did you enjoy the roguelike formula? Remember that if you attend these live, you...
Doof Game Club: August’s game is Control!

Doof Game Club: August’s game is Control!

Hey everyone! The patrons have voted, and this month diving into a supernatural thriller, courtesy of Remedy Entertainment’s Control! Remedy is famous for their cinematic thriller games, and we’re excited to find out if Control lives up to the hype! As the...
Doof Game Club: DOOM (2016)

Doof Game Club: DOOM (2016)

As a new month begins, the club gathers for the Game Over stream! It’s time to find out what we all thought about id Software’s revitalisation of both the Doom franchise and the First Person Shooter genre in DOOM! Remember that if you attend these live,...