Perspectives on Arcs 18-22

Perspectives on Arcs 18-22

In this episode, Matias leads Clarence in this tale of loyal lovable dog girls, campy clock boys, curious costumes, and melancholy memorials. This is the Perspectives episode for Arcs 18-22. In it they pondered through Rachel and Clockblocker’s themes and...
Perspectives on Arcs 18-22

Ep 7.x Bonus- Fight Scenes

Hey y’all. We announced on our twitter (@decomposingpod) that we are moving to a fortnightly schedule (one episode every two weeks) starting immediately. We know y’all were looking forward to listening to Perspectives on arcs 18-22 today, and that is now...
Perspectives on Arcs 18-22

Overview of Arcs 18-22

In this episode, Matias guides Clarence as our hero rationalizes recklessly ricocheting around ruined cities and raising raging riots. This is the Overview episode for Arcs 18-22, so they covered the most key points and paid attention to the most textual of themes....
Perspectives on Arcs 18-22

Perspectives on Arcs 15-17

In this episode, Matias leads Clarence on his first foray into this frightening fantasy full of fiendish factions and formidable foes. This was a Perspectives episode so they explored arcs fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen using literary theories. Particularly, this...
Perspectives on Arcs 18-22

Overview of Arcs 15-17

In this episode, Matias guides Clarence as the story tiptoes around the terrible tempers of two teams of troublesome teens. This is the Overview episode for Arcs 15-17, so they covered the most key points and paid attention to the most textual of themes. Next week is...
Perspectives on Arcs 18-22

Perspectives on Arcs 9-14

In this episode, Matias guides Clarence as he wanders through Wildbow’s wonderful Web-Serial for the first time. This was a Perspectives episode so we explored these seven arcs, 9-14, using a few literary theories. We focused on Allthusar’s understanding of...