
Hey everyone! This month, it was Reuben’s turn to choose the game! But, being the benevolent host he is, he gave the Patrons some options from the rich pool of Australian indie games! The Patrons have voted, and this month we’ll be covering a collection of games we’re calling Reuben’s 3-pack. The pack features Paperbark (by Mountains), Florence (by Paper House), and Getting Over it with Bennet Foddy (by Bennet Foddy)

A number of compelling Australian games are unfortunately, probably too short for us to base an entire game club around them. So we thought, why not pick 3 and do them all together!

· Florence (by Mountains)

· Paperbark (by Paper House)

· Getting Over It with Bennet Foddy (by Bennet Foddy)

Submit your own games for consideration here!

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