

Hello and welcome to The Weekly Planet Podcast.  Your weekly dose of all things movies, TV, books and anything else we feel like talking about!

Behind the scenes we here at The Daly Planet have been calling this week a “soft relaunch”.  All this really means is we’re pushing out some new ideas that we’ve been working about in secret for a while now.  You saw one yesterday and you’ll get another tomorrow, but one idea both Matt and I have had for a while is a podcast in which we’d get together once a week to discuss random topics related to entertainment for your listening pleasure. Today we’re happy to announce the launch of this podcast, which we’re calling The Weekly Planet.  It’s pretty clever.

For our first episode we’ve set our sights on Christopher Nolan.  Almost a year ago I wrote what was supposed to be an introduction to a series of essays in which I explore Nolan’s filmography.  The intent was, after the disappointment that was Interstellar, to try to figure out why I didn’t think I liked the filmmaker anymore. For various reasons, mostly including time this series never happened.  But when it came time to pick a topic for our inaugural podcast focusing on Christopher Nolan seemed like the logical step. So click the player above and join Matt and I and special guest Michael as we work through Nolan’s filmography discussing what he does good, what he does bad, and why he doesn’t seem to like women very much.

This will be a learning process for us as we learn more about sound mixing, editing, and how to be more interesting people so please bare with us as we figure it all out.  We’re also working on getting onto iTunes and will keep you all updated  on that front. Thank you, as always, for all of your support!

Special thanks to the beautiful Elyse Rimmer for providing the Vocals and Music for the intro theme.  

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